
Central Students

Central Middle School

6th-8th Grade // 9:00Am // The Loft

It’s called middle school because this season marks the middle of their school years. They aren’t kids anymore, but they are also far from being adults. These highly transitional years are pivotal when it comes to long-term faith formation. We provide a space where your students can find friendship with one another and with Jesus.

Central Students

Central High School

9th-12th Grade // 9:00 & 11:00Am

Our high school students gather briefly before going out each Sunday morning to be a part of the church family by using their time and gifts to serve. (High School meets for worship and teaching on Thursday evenings at 6:00pm.)

Central Singles

Single Focus @ 9

9:00am // Room 216

For single adults age 40+ (and a few marrieds). We watch a video series from RightNow Media on a book of the Bible and have a lively, meaningful discussion as we share life application truths.

Jan. 5-March 23: The Book of James with Francis Chan. True faith produces fruit. A faith without action and without life change is ultimately a dead faith. The book of James speaks to the realities of a living faith in Jesus—a kind of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty discipleship. Francis works through James verse-by-verse, challenging followers of Christ to move beyond a private, intellectual knowledge of God and His Word, to a vibrant faith that impacts every square inch of life. For single adults ages 40+.

Led by Pastor Cheri Clark

Registration is not required. Email Pastor Cheri Clark at for information.

Central ADULTS

Knowing Him

9:15am // Room 217

This program consists of a 10-week course on Systematic Theology aimed at enhancing your understanding of God, Scripture, and the Church. Each lesson includes a workbook for additional study at home and is offered at no cost. The classes utilize an open podcast format to foster discussion among participants. Topics covered include the Trinity, the nature of God, the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, salvation, and the concepts of man and sin.
For adults of any age.

Led by Vince Champlin and Troy Manzi

Central ADULTS

A Place for You

10:30Am // Room 215

This established class covers a variety of topics with solid Bible teaching. The study of Hebrews continues into January. After that study concludes, a series called “Why Does Jesus Matter?” will begin through the spring. JD Greer will present short messages discussing who Jesus is, why He came, and will explore the life-changing effect Jesus had, and continues to have, on the world. This is a class with deep friendships, heartfelt prayer times, and a wide variety of teaching and sharing of our faith. For adults of any age.

Led by Bruce Pearson and Scott Kardatzke

Central ADULTS

Class 8:37

10:30am // Room 222

This is a multi-generational adult Bible fellowship where we discuss, learn, and grow together. We love donuts, one another, and out-of-class gatherings. During the first half of the winter quarter, we will be looking at the messages of warning and the messages of hope found in the book of Isaiah. The second half of the winter quarter will continue with a study of life-changing encounters with Jesus from the Gospel of John. For adults of any age.

Led by Wayne Huxman

Central ADULTS


10:30am // Room 212

The primary emphasis of this class is to promote a deeper understanding of God and His Word through the integration of Bible study, theology, and apologetics. A new series will begin in January, “In the Beginning,” which will entail a verse-by-verse study of the first three chapters in Genesis. Enjoy some deep diving, but not without warm fellowship and some ‘Friesen’ dry humor. For adults of any age.

Led by Joel Friesen

Central Seniors


10:30am // K-Chapel (Room 118)

Our senior community finds this gathering to fill their appetite for regular teaching, warm fellowship, celebration, and staying connected. Pastor John will care for you with the Word of God, corny jokes, and his heart for Christ. For senior adults.

Led by Pastor John Carney

Central Singles

Single Focus @ 10:45

10:30am // Room 216

For single adults age 40+ (and a few marrieds). We watch a video series from RightNow Media on a book of the Bible and have a lively, meaningful discussion as we share life application truths.

Jan. 5-March 23: The Book of James with Francis Chan. True faith produces fruit. A faith without action and without life change is ultimately a dead faith. The book of James speaks to the realities of a living faith in Jesus—a kind of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty discipleship. Francis works through James verse-by-verse, challenging followers of Christ to move beyond a private, intellectual knowledge of God and His Word, to a vibrant faith that impacts every square inch of life. For single adults ages 40+.

Led by Jason Callahan and Shari Henson

Registration is not required. Email Pastor Cheri Clark at for information.


Central Women

“Revealing Revelation”

Jan. 7-March 25 // 10:00AM-12:00Pm

Tour the final book of the Bible with Tsarfati and Yohn as your guides! With eye-opening insights, they examine the timeline of events before, during, and after the tribulation; God’s specific plan for the people of Israel in the end times; the encouragement, challenges, and warnings Jesus gave to prepare us for His return; and more.

Led by Donna Schrag

Central Young Adults

Young Adults Gathering

starts Jan. 14, 2025 // 6:30-8:00PM // Room 203

The young adult life can look a lot of different ways: finishing school, living independently, starting jobs, getting married, or beginning a family. This gathering is for young people in any of those stages. Come together with a diverse group that is setting out on life’s trajectory to build friendships and deepen their faith together. For anyone ages 18 through early 30s.


Central Women

“The Good Shepherd” Online Study

Jan. 15-Feb. 26 // 9:30Am // This study held on zoom

In John 10, Jesus famously called Himself the Good Shepherd, inviting us into a life of flourishing when we follow Him. But what makes a shepherd good, and how can we recognize true spiritual leaders in our midst? Join speaker and author Heather Thompson Day as she explores the way Jesus modeled the qualities of a good shepherd, showing us what it means to shepherd others in grace and truth.

Zoom: A link will be emailed after registration.

Led by Rebecca Aitken

Family Dinner

5:00-6:00PM // $5 per person, $3 Kids Option

Enjoy a warm meal and fellowship with others before heading to your Wednesday evening activities.


  • 29: Pulled pork, chips, pasta salad, and dessert

KIDS MENU // $3:

  • Option 1: Chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, and dessert
  • Option 2: Uncrustables sandwich, chips, and dessert
Central Kids

Children’s Programming for Wednesday Nights

Starting Jan. 15 // 6:15-7:30PM

Children ages birth through 5th grade are invited to our mid-week Pit Stop, where they’ll have worship and a lesson in big group time before breaking out for small groups and a fun activity. Check-in begins at 6:00pm at the normal check-in desks. Please register (for free!) so that our volunteers are ready to greet your child.

Central Students

Central Middle School

6th-8th Grade // 6:00-7:45pm // The Loft // Ongoing

It’s called middle school because this season marks the middle of their school years. They aren’t kids anymore, but they are also far from being adults. These highly transitional years are pivotal when it comes to long-term faith formation. We provide a space where your students can find friendship with one another and with Jesus

Check the Central Students webpage for details about other activities, as they may be taking place outside the building: click here.

Central men

Central Men Study

Starting Jan. 15 // 6:15PM // Room 219

Essentials of Faith: Why Does Jesus Matter? by JD Greear // In seven sessions, we will discuss who Jesus is, who He hung out with, what happened at Easter, and mainly: what does it mean to follow Him today? Short video teachings will lead men into a serious study in smaller groups. We love BBQ, fresh pie and year-end food-fests! For men ages 45+

Led by the Men’s leadership team

Central Women

“Trustworthy: A Study of 1 & 2 Kings” by Lysa TerKuerst

Jan. 15-Feb. 19 // 6:15PM // Room 215

When hard times come and it seems God is deviating from the plan, we assume our life should follow, we’re much more likely to want to tame God, not trust Him. It’s then that we begin to press into our ways and our own timing. No human can carry the weight of being their own god, but so many of us try. Join Lysa as she honestly reveals the places of distrust in her own heart while exploring the deeply personal applicable Scriptures that will teach us how to truly trust God. (You may purchase your own study guide from Lifeway or Amazon.)

Led by Cheryl Hull and Danielle Kemper

Central Adults

First Steps

Starting Jan. 15 (6 Weeks) // 6:15PM // Room 216

This class provides some important first steps for new Christ followers or those who have returned and need some refreshment in the basic, foundational beliefs of a Christian. You will have conversations about what salvation and forgiveness really mean: Can one be certain of his or her eternity? How can one mature in his or her faith? Why is communion important? What does God want from us? And more. For adults of all ages.

Led by Pastor Clint McBroom

Central Adults

Parenting Adult Children

Starting Jan. 15 (7 Weeks) // 6:15PM // Room 217

This class is for those moms, dads, and grands who are in the middle of the trenches with their adult children. You will be challenged with Bible principles, real-life stories, common conversation, and some key life truths that are not often shared in church settings. We will learn from each other’s stories of struggle and rely on God’s power and presence to see us through challenging seasons. Count on building a bond with some fellow students. For adults of all ages.

Led by Dr. Bob Ingram

Central Adults

The Gathering

Starting Jan. 15 // 6:15PM // Room 203

Married and single adults in their 30s and 40s are invited to come to The Gathering after dropping off their kids. This time of community and Bible study will be led by people in their similar life stages, with different topics and studies being offered through the semester. For all adults ages 30-40.

Choir Rehearsal

6:15PM // Room 204

 The Voices of Central Choir is a multigenerational group made up of singers of all skill levels. The choir rehearses each Wednesday evening to prepare for Sunday morning worship and upcoming special events


Central Women

Real Mom’s, Real Life: Bringing light to real Life Issues

Jan. 23-March 6 // 9:30-11:00AM

Join us for real mom conversations about real mom issues. Weekly Christian based podcast, no study guide required. Limited childcare provided for ages birth to preschool. All children must be registered. Registration link for childcare will be sent after registration. For moms with children ages 0-10.

Led by Amy Derstein, Danielle Kemper, Hannah Kihle

Registration for childcare will be sent after registration for class.

Central Women

“Trustworthy: A Study of 1 & 2 Kings” by Lysa TerKuerst

Jan. 16-Feb. 20 // 1:00-2:30PM

When hard times come and it seems God is deviating from the plan, we assume our life should follow, we’re much more likely to want to tame God, not trust Him. It’s then that we begin to press into our ways and our own timing. No human can carry the weight of being their own god, but so many of us try. Join Lysa as she honestly reveals the places of distrust in her own heart while exploring the deeply personal applicable Scriptures that will teach us how to truly trust God. (You may purchase your own study guide from Lifeway or Amazon.) 

Led by Cindy Kardatzke, Lydia Blocker, and Linda Dickson

Central Students

Central High School

9th-12th Grade // 6:00-8:30PM // Room 204

In high school, students are looking forward at who they want to be in the world. They are balancing schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and friendships. Their faith is becoming their own and they are beginning to try it out in the real world. We provide a space where students can find Christian friendship and develop genuine, lifelong faith.

Check the Central Students webpage for details about other activities, as they may be taking place outside the building: click here.


Central Singles

Single Focus

7:00PM // Room 216

For single adults age 40+ (and a few marrieds). We watch a video series from RightNow Media on an applicable topic and then have a meaningful and lively discussion on the Biblical truths represented.

Jan. 17-Feb. 21: Gospeler: Turning Darkness into Light One Conversation at a Time with Willie Robertson. When Jesus commissioned His disciples to go and make disciples, He invited all His followers—including us—to join His work in the world. As followers of Christ, we have the best news that everyone needs. But are we sharing it? Willie Robertson encourages us to embrace our identity as “gospelers,” ready and able to share the good news of Jesus. We don’t need to preach to share the gospel; we simply need to have meaningful conversations.

Led by Pastor Cheri Clark